World Energy Landscape 2023

Bhavik Kasundra · October 10, 2024

Energy consumption (2023)

Region Energy (EJ) Growth
World 620 2%
India 39.02 7.3%
China 170.74 6.5%
US 94.28 -1.2%
Europe 77.85 -2.2%

Insights :

` Note: Energy in EJ (Exa joules = 10^18 Joules), GJ (Giga Joules = 10^9 Joules)`

Worldwide Energy (Fuel wise consumption) (2023)

  • Oil : 196 EJ
  • Coal : 164 EJ
  • Natural Gas : 144 EJ
  • Renewables : 51 EJ
  • Hydroelectric : 40 EJ
  • Nuclear : 25 EJ

Insights :

Energy Consumption (Fuel wise)

Region Oil NG Coal Nuclear Hydro Renewables Total
World 196.43 144.37 164.03 24.57 39.65 50.58 619.63
India 10.57 2.25 21.98 0.43 1.39 2.38 39.02
China 32.73 14.57 91.94 3.90 11.46 16.13 170.74
US 35.86 31.91 8.20 7.32 2.21 8.78 94.28
Europe 28.33 16.68 8.39 6.60 5.97 11.86 77.85

Insights :

Energy Consumption (Giga Joule Per Capita)

Region Energy (GJ) Growth %
World 77 1.1
India 27.3 6.4
China 119.8 6.6
US 277.3 -1.7
Europe 115.2 -2.1

Insights :

Carbon dioxide emissions from energy, process emissions, methane and flaring (Million tonnes of CO2)

Region Emissions (MtCO2) Growth %
World 40418 2.1
India 3121 9.0
China 12603 6.0
US 5130 -2.7
Europe 3776 -5.3

Insights :

KPIs of Energy, trade & analysis

  1. Key Highlights
    • Overall energy production and consumption (MWh, GWh)
    • Carbon emissions reduction progress (gCO2/kWh)
    • Growth in renewable energy share (%)
    • Energy price fluctuations (USD/barrel, USD/MMBtu)
  2. Regional Overview / Primary Energy and Carbon
    • Primary energy consumption (MWh, GWh): Total regional energy demand.
    • Energy consumption per capita (MWh per person): Measures energy use efficiency relative to population.
    • Carbon dioxide emissions from energy (tons CO2): National/regional CO2 output.
    • Emissions from gas flaring (tons CO2): Emissions due to inefficient gas handling.
    • Carbon capture, usage, and storage capacity (tons CO2 captured): Reflects efforts in carbon mitigation.
    • Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions (tons CO2e): Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  3. Oil
    • Oil production (barrels/day): Total oil output by region or globally.
    • Oil consumption (barrels/day): Total demand for oil.
    • Oil prices (USD/barrel): Price trends for crude oil.
    • Refining capacity (barrels/day): Refinery throughput and efficiency.
    • Oil trade movements (barrels/day): Export and import volumes of crude oil.
  4. Natural Gas
    • Natural gas production (billion cubic meters - BCM): Global or regional gas output.
    • Natural gas consumption (BCM): Demand for gas in different regions.
    • Natural gas prices (USD/MMBtu): Regional or global gas price trends.
    • Hydrogen production capacity (tons/year): Early-stage hydrogen energy capacity.
    • Natural gas trade movements (BCM): Imports and exports of gas.
  5. Coal
    • Coal production (tons/year): Regional and global coal output.
    • Coal trade movements (tons/year): Volumes of coal imports and exports.
    • Coal prices (USD/ton): Price changes in the coal market.
    • Coal consumption (tons/year): Total coal usage in power generation and industry.
  6. Nuclear Energy
    • Nuclear generation (MWh): Output from nuclear power plants globally and regionally.
    • Nuclear share in energy mix (%): Proportion of nuclear energy in total energy generation.
  7. Electricity and Renewables
    • Electricity generation (MWh): Total electricity produced from all sources.
    • Electricity generation by fuel (%): Breakdown of electricity by source (coal, gas, nuclear, renewables).
    • Grid-scale battery storage capacity (MWh): Capacity to store electricity generated by renewable sources.
    • Hydroelectricity generation (MWh): Output from hydroelectric plants.
    • Renewable energy consumption (MWh): Total use of renewable energy.
    • Solar installed capacity (MW): Total installed solar capacity.
    • Wind installed capacity (MW): Total installed wind capacity.
    • Biofuels production (barrels/day or liters/day): Output from biofuel production facilities.
    • Biofuels consumption (barrels/day or liters/day): Demand for biofuels.
  8. Key Minerals
    • Minerals production (tons/year): Output of key minerals (e.g., lithium, cobalt) used in energy storage and renewable technologies.
    • Mineral reserves (tons): Proven reserves of critical minerals.
    • Mineral prices (USD/ton): Price trends for energy-related minerals.
    • These KPIs can help measure the performance of energy sectors, organi

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